Monday, June 11, 2012

A girl has to support her thrifting habit some how!

My daughter and I went to 32 Flavors Boutique's art festival on Saturday.  There were so many super cool artists that I wish I had taken my camera.  I was so inspired by all the creativity that when I got home I had barely laid my purse down before I was skipping for the garage to get my wood cutting grove on.

I use to make clocks a longgggg time ago.  I would paint a canvas, drilled a hole into the center of the canvas, and then pop a clock kit in.  Boy they were hideous!  Being the pack rat that I am, I have saved those left over clock kits for over 12 years not using them once since those clock canvas days!  That is until I got home from the festival Saturday!  You can make pretty much anything into a clock if you can drill a hole into it.   

 I grabbed several pieces of scrap wood and traced my design onto the wood.

Then I cut out the design, not my husband!!  Here is proof!  Although I guess this photo could be staged.  However If I'm staging photos, I have entirely too much time on my hands.  I show you this picture because If I can use a jigsaw ANYONE can use a jigsaw!!!  Go buy one!  This most fun you will have in your garage!  And Yes I always wear my safety glasses.  One time I was in a hurry and forgot to put them on.  I was digging a piece of wood out of my eye for the next 4 days.  And do take the extra five seconds to change clothes.  I ruined both this shirt and shorts with paint because I was too excited to get started and didn't put on my painting clothes.  I think every article of clothing I own has blue paint on it.  Insert cuss word here.

 This is the little jigsaw that I use.  I think he was pretty cheap at Lowe's, maybe around $30.00.

After I cut out all my designs, I sanded the edges to get them smooth.  This sander is awesome, and under $30.00.  One of the most valuable purchases I have ever made.

 I was cleaning up all the scraps and look at this cool little art piece!!
As I was lining them up I thought they looked like little skinny birds looking up at the sky. 
Have I lost it?

 I painted and then drilled holes into the smaller owls.  The big owl and bird were too thick for the clock kits that I had.  Boo.

 I love when I take the time to paint the wood two different colors. I love the white peeking though when I distressed the owls.

 Eyes and beak cut out of paper and then Modge Podged onto the wood.

You can buy clock kits at Micheal's or online.  Here are the steps to put your clock kit together.  Super easy!

If you don't want to make your own owl clock and you feel the need for one in your home,
just click here for my Etsy Shop!!!  I know I am shameless!  A girl has to support her thrifting habit some how!


  1. love these, as usual. Use your Michaels or Hobby Lobby coupon and get some longer stem clocks. That bird with the perfect color comb and sweet sweet shape just NEEDS to be finished! I'm planning to come see you at your next event in Charlotte. Excited to see all your stuff in person and get inspired to wreck a few clothes myself. In a bit of a slump this week.

  2. Cute little owies as my grandson would say. You are an inspiration! Your creativity inspires.

  3. Adorable!! You're so talented to just cut like that! Love the finishes too.
    Jealous Janet
