Friday, September 16, 2011

"The Artsy Goddess"

So it's a Saturday morning a few weeks ago and for some reason I'm not out hitting yard sales and I'm still in my P.J.s.  The doorbell rings, I quickly wipe mascara from under my eyes and run to the door.  My dear friend Tracy Grubbs.  My dear friend Tracy is holding a telephone table!  So why is Tracy at my door on a Saturday morning with a telephone table????  She has cleaned out her garage and would like to give it to me as a gift.  My heart stops and I nearly pass out right there on the spot.  But I don't because I haven't brushed my teeth yet and I don't want her to get to close.  I am over the moon with my new gift and can't wait to get dressed and get out in the garage to work on it.

As I look the table up and down, I try to decide what I am going to do to it.  Then something I have never done before pops into my head.  I wanted to redo it to with Tracy in mind.  I wanted to channel all her amazing qualities and project it onto this telephone table.  So I think about the ways Tracy has touched my life.  She is in charge of all the design, and decorating for our very large church.  When you see the stage at our church, you are in complete and total awe.  She takes the most unusual materials and turns them into the most gorgeous stage designs.  I can't wait to get to church to see what she comes up with.  Can I get an Amen!  I honestly was a little intimidated by her when I first met her.  I just thought she was this really cool artsy goddess.  She's sooooo funny, wise, encouraging, honest and real.  I have learned so much from her.  She was in one of my Thursday morning church classes and whenever she spoke I sat up and paid serious attention.  A beautiful, talented, creative, super hip chic.

No matter what color I love at the moment, no color is cooler then black.

To reupholster a seat, simply turn over the piece you are working on and unscrew the seat from the piece of furniture.

This beautiful piece of vintage upholstery fabric was my great grandmother's.  I have been saving it for a really special project.  It reminds me of Tracy, the real thing, funky with an artsy flair.

First get rid of the old fabric.  They teach you to remove any old staples or old nails when doing upholstery.  I am usually too impatient to do this and just staple the new fabric over the old.

I added a little more (ahhhhhh can't think of the name) white stuff, batting!!!  to make it a little cushier and fill the seat out more.

Staple once on each side in the middle.  Continue stapling around as you pull tight.  You don't have to have a mac daddy stapler.  I used the one I bought at Micheal's.

Ta da!

And because I love to distress everything, this was no exception.

A little Wipe-On Poly to protect and add a little shine.

"The Artsy Goddess"

Thank you Tracy for my amazing gift and thank you for sharing yourself with the world!!!!!


  1. LOVE it. and did you know that Devon used to be in the gallery? and I did her 36th birthday party at the gallery. Loads of fun! We listened to rap music. who knew she like rap?

  2. as usual, love this! Would fit right in in my breakfast nook, that is if it would fit in my breakfast nook. Scored again!

  3. I love it! Beautiful...just like YOU and TRacy:)

  4. did a great job..I love the blue floral with the black...

  5. Pretty, far as I'm concerned every room needs a little black. Love this! xoxo -s

  6. so fun, girl. and really glad to get to know you a tiny bit today at nester's!

  7. So great to meet you as well Melissa! Hope to see you again really soon! If I ever have a party I am calling you!

  8. LeeLu
    That fabric rocks right!?!?!? I want a skirt, bag, couch and dog clothes made out of it!
    lots of love,

  9. Ok, you said on your last post, "When does the Nester sleep?" I was thinking that of you? Here's the difference between you and me. You are given that amazing piece of furniture and go to town on it, THE SAME DAY. I would get that piece of furniture and store it for a year thinking of what I should do with it. Yes, serious problems I have. I need to haul my pieces to your garage for the day and just do them and let your creative juices work through me. :) LOVE IT! LOVE YOU!

    (P.s but get rid of your word verification for us inpatient people. You will NOT regret it. ;))
